Get coaching clients.
How to. When to. Where to. What to do.
Coaches often ask, “What now?” after qualifying as a coach. This program was designed to answer that question.
You will be guided through a step-by-step framework while receiving customized support based on your needs. Let’s build your authentic business together.
Coach Business Builder
Program Overview

Program Goals:
Build a coaching business step-by-step
Create a financially viable coaching career
Find your niche market(s) and adapt your offers to them
Connect with potential clients and cultivate positive, long-lasting relationships with them
Build your business in a way that feels aligned and natural
Work through the inner and outer obstacles you might face
Set up your business to become a long-term, reputable brand.
Learn how to customize products to bring the greatest value to your clients
Learn to be "sticky" and of the deepest service to others
Avoid common mistakes of building a coaching business
Learn how to run your coaching business online/remotely
Get from where you are to where you want to be as a coach